Valmont Icon Library

As a global brand Valmont needs to strive for consistent and cohesive communications. It is important to communicate in a way that is quickly and effectively understandable by all audiences, anywhere. The use of iconography and info-graphics as communication tools have grown in popularity with the advancement of the internet — brands that have consistent, distinctive and easy-to-understand icon systems stand out. That said, the project is to research, concept, develop and execute a unique iconography system for the Valmont brand.




Valmont Icon Library


3 Months



Grid System

Valmont icons are designed on a pixel-based grid of 64 x 64 pixels (px) and can be scaled to different sizes. The icon grid is available to download on
All icons should be created on the following grid:
Valmont iconography 1

Technical Rules

In order for all of the icons to maintain a sense of uniformity, specific rules have been set in place for certain aspects that will occur during icon design. The main goal of crafting icons for Valmont is to keep the icons simple, by focusing on symmetry and making it approachable, by using rounded corners and end-caps.
Valmont iconography 2


Valmont iconography 3


Valmont iconography 4

Icons used in Infographics

Valmont iconography 8

Icons in Valmont Headquarters Building

Valmont iconography 9

Icons used in Graphic

Valmont iconography 10
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